Set up the operating timetable for your home appliance!
Depend on your daily routine, customize when you want your AC on,
when you want them cooler, and when you want them off!

Default profiles
Sleep profile
Maintain your best sleeping temperature & saves energy
2:00am – Deep sleep
Turn up your ACs to 26°C
6:00am – Nearly wake up
Turn off your ACs and switch on the fan for you
7:00 am – Time to go
Switch off everything for you
Office profile
Make your workplace energy efficient
7:45 am – Before you start
Turn on all ACs in office to 24°C
1:00 pm – Lunch time!
Switch all AC to 26°C
2:00 pm – Back to business
Turn all AC back to 25°C
8:00pm – Call it a day
Make sure every ACs is off when everybody leave

All default profile can be modify
Let’s set up the profile that suit you best with SmartAirCon